How To Get The Best Night’S Sleep In A Caravan
How to Get the Best Night’s Sleep in a Caravan
When you think of a caravan holiday, the first thing that springs to mind is fun days spent by the seaside. One thing that you probably don’t associate with caravaning is a peaceful night’s sleep. With an increasing number of Brits holidaying in the UK rather than jet-setting off to sunnier corners of the world, you may well be considering your first ever caravan holiday. St Ives, Skeg Ness, Aberyswyth - whichever location you’ve got your sights set for your time off, we’ve got top tips for getting a good night’s sleep.
Invest in a comfortable mattress
A caravan mattress topper is designed to recreate the same cushioning and support that a regular mattress can provide. A thinner design makes it easy to transport and roll-up into a carry case.
Give a weighted blanket a try
The Slothie weighted blanket is crafted from luxury cotton and bamboo. What’s special about it is the weighted pressure it places on your body as you lie down. Designed to wrap you up in a comfortable hug, the blanket helps to release the serotonin hormone which helps to prepare your body for sleep. Don’t forget the pillow
Now that you’ve got the mattress and a blanket to cocoon yourself in after a long day in the great outdoors, we wouldn’t want to forget about the pillow. We recommend a memory foam pillow for extra support. At Back Care Online, we have pillows to help with a wide range of conditions that could affect your ability to sleep, including acid reflux, neck ache and snoring.
Block out light and noise
Light not only distracts you from falling asleep, it also affects your body’s natural biorhytms. Darkness helps to stimulate the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone. Whereas light releases the opposite hormones designed to keep you awake and stimulated.
Noise is another issue that can keep you awake. But it’s nothing that a pair of good ear plugs shouldn’t fix. Picking a more tranquil location with less holiday-makers around could also help reduce nightime noise.
Shop the Slothie weighted blanket and caravan and travel mattress toppers at Back Care Online today.