5 Muscle Building Exercises for Your Teeter Inversion Table
5 Muscle Building Exercises for Your Teeter Inversion Table
More than 75% of UK adults have experienced back pain in their lifetimes. Whether you blame sitting much of the day at a desk job or an injury, what can you do about it?
Besides the traditional treatment options like chiropractic or pain relievers, many people have found relief by introducing a Teeter inversion table into their home. The Teeter inversion table uses gravity to naturally relieve back pain and can also be used for muscle strengthening.
For those of you who are thinking about purchasing your own Teeter table, or perhaps this is your first time ever hearing about it, we’ve put together our top tips on setting up and using this multi-functional piece of equipment at home.
Setting Up Your Teeter Inversion Table
Whether you have the Teeter EP 550, Teeter Hang Up or another version, it's very important to set it up correctly. Keep in mind to pay careful attention to the height, weight, and ankle settings.
1. Set Up Body, Frame, and Weight Setting
Once the body and frame are set up, clip in the weight setting for the person who will be using the table.
2. Set Height
The next step is to adjust the height setting. Set it one inch taller than your height.
3. Ankle Setting
Pay particular attention to the ankle support. Make sure it feels comfortable. Are you going to wear socks or shoes or go barefoot? You need to decide before using the ankle lock if your table has that feature.
Muscle-Building Exercises
Once you learn how to use an inversion table, you can begin doing specific Teeter inversion table exercises. Let's take a look at 5 exercises that will help you build strength.
Inverted Crunches
Cross your arms on your chest and use your abdominal muscles to move forward. Hold and repeat.
Inverted Sit-Ups
Bend your knees like you would doing sit-ups on the ground. Contract your abdominal muscles while reaching your arms toward your knees. Lift your torso while reaching.
Inverted Squats
While holding onto the legs, bend your knees and squat your rear end toward your heels. Hold, release, and repeat.
Inverted Rotation
Get in the inverted position and reach with the opposite hand to the table legs. Pull to rotate yourself and then switch hands to do the other side.
Inverted Back Extension
Slowly arch your back with both hands behind your head. Use your lower back muscles while not relying on the momentum of the table.
Returning to An Upright Position
Take this slowly by carefully bringing your arms to your side. When the table is just past the horizontal position, take a rest to prevent dizziness. Once your back has re-compressed, return to the upright position.
Teeter Inversion Table for Sale
Now that you know how a Teeter inversion table helps your back and helps you build muscles, you'll want to seek out one for sale! An inversion workout allows you to build strength without adding pressure to your spine.
Back Care Online offers a range of Teeter Hang Ups and Inversion Tables, as well as expert advice to help you decide which product is best for you.