Same day dispatch*
Leading Healthcare Retailer
98% Positive Reviews

Over 1 Million Sold
Made in the UK
A success on Dragons' Den
Bed manufacturer of the year

Duvalay on Dragons' Den

Duvalay always knew they had a winning product and now the best business minds in Britain agree with them.

The Duvalay, which has been granted patents in several countries across the world, was a hit on BBC's Dragons Den and secured an investment from the newest Dragon, Hilary Devey.

In partnership with Hilary Devey

Hilary Devey, Liz and Alan at the Dragons' Den studioThe company has moved on rapidly since they first nervously walked into the Dragons' Den. They have developed new exciting products and partnered with a range of prestige brands – including Mercedes-Benz, Disc-O-Beds in the US, Arleigh International and GO Outdoors.

They recently signed an exciting new deal with a Chinese company which will bring Duvalay's brand of affordable luxury to East Asian market. This landmark agreement makes Duvalay a truly global brand with a presence in the UK, France, Holland, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Iceland, USA, China, Korea, Australia and New Zealand.

"The emails, phone calls and general feedback tell us that we've got it right so far. However we are always striving to do better for our customers; to provide more quality and value for money."

They are continually developing new products as your comfort is our passion! Duvalay believes that together with Hilary and her team's help we will continue to provide innovative products and focus even closer on our customers' needs. The phones are ringing, the packers are packing and they are looking forward to the coming year.

"Be assured that one thing will never change; our commitment to creating quality products to give our customers bedtime luxury... anywhere."

About Duvalay


The concept of Duvalay's simply ingenious, comforting mattress toppers arose from necessity…

Along with the many millions of people worldwide who embrace caravans as their ‘homes from home’, Liz and Alan Colleran were troubled by the insomnia and back pain associated with caravanning, where the perfect leisure environment is so often compromised by a frustratingly uncomfortable bed.


In 2003, the husband-and-wife team hit upon the idea of an innovative, superior, comfort-enhancing mattress topper that would not only dramatically enhance their lifestyle, but also fill an all too apparent gap in the market.

Working from their family home, Liz and Alan set about making their dream a reality – commencing an extensive design process until Duvalay's lightweight, portable memory foam was born.


An immediate success, business flourished as satisfied customers endorsed and recommended the Duvalay – rapidly establishing its market-leading reputation. Unprecedented demand soon saw Duvalay relocate from the Collerans’ kitchen table to its first factory in Dewsbury, Yorkshire. Here, as enthusiastic customer enquiries flooded in, the original Duvalay portable mattress topper concept evolved – leading to innovative, custom-made and off-the-shelf mattresses, pillows and mattress toppers for boats, motorhomes, trucks, campervans, travel and the home.

Duvalay Products


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